Sometimes Love

In honor of Valentine’s Day, I’m reviewing the 2022 book, Sometimes Love, by Katrina Moore, illustrated by Joy Hwang Ruiz, and published by Penguin Young Readers. This book is not specifically an LGBTQ+ story, but since love is universal, I’m writing about it here.

A tale told in sweet rhyme, Sometimes Love shares the story of a young girl receiving a puppy and the love the two of them share as they both grow. All the aspects of the relationship are explored from fun and snuggles to punishment and forgiveness (when the dog has gotten the rug and laundry all dirty).

The pair’s world is turned upside down when the girl’s mother, a soldier, gets orders to go overseas. The family must move to a foreign country and cannot take their beloved dog with them. Fortunately, they find an organization that will care for their dog for the time they are away.

The family enjoys the new posting and the little girl makes friends. Eventually, it is time to return to the United States. The little girl anxiously awaits being reunited with her dog – has she been forgotten? She has nothing to worry about. Her dog remembers her and the story ends with a huge, loving hug.

“The book contains no names or dialogue but eloquently conveys a wide range of emotions and lessons through its spare prose and expressive digital illustrations that seem to shimmer off the page. It’s also a great primer for young readers about the unique challenges military families face.” (Kirkus reviews)

I love the inclusivity in this story. The family is drawn as brown-skinned and it is the mother, not the father, who is in the military. The overseas posting is in Asia, possibly Korea (from the clothing).

As a former military child, this book really resonated with me. My sister and I had a dog during these years of constant moving. We were lucky that we never had to leave our dog behind, but I can easily sympathize with the little girl in this story. I know what it is like to leave so much and move somewhere completely unknown. As unsettling as it can be, it is these changes in our lives that can end up being great gifts. As Moore so aptly puts it, “Love through changes makes love grow.”

Wishing love to all – not just on Valentine’s Day, but the entire year.