N is for Not-A-Resolution

I have never liked the whole New Year’s Resolution business. On January 1st, you make this sweeping resolution to change your life – lose 50 pounds, exercise every day, organize your life, etc. You, maybe, last a couple of weeks and then, you’re right back to your old patterns. Instead of these huge goals, I prefer to be SMART about my goals. 

I use SMART goals for so many aspects of my life, even for writing this blog.

Specific: My blog topic for this month will be …
Measurable: I know my goal is completed when I publish my blog post
Attainable: I can realistically publish one blog post per month
Relevant: I make sure that my blog topic aligns with my values and objectives for this blog (picture books and LGBTQ+ community)
Time-Bound: I set a deadline of publishing my blog by the 15th of the month

Now, do I successfully complete each goal I make? No, of course not. Some months, my blog doesn’t get published “on time”. But, I know I have a much better chance of completing my goal using this technique.

So, I ask you, my blog reader, what are your SMART goals this year, month, week, etc.? I highly encourage you to become more knowledgeable and more active in the LGBTQ+ community. Our Queer friends and family need us now more than ever. While strides have been made, politically, we are struggling. More schools and states are passing anti-transgender laws, making it harder for our children to fully participate as their true selves. Parents are being prevented from helping their own children, and doctors risk their medical license for providing gender affirming treatments. We must be an active positive force for the Rainbow Community.

Use the SMART goal system to get engaged. Research the laws in your state and community. If they are discriminatory, contact your lawmakers. You don’t have to organize a march on your state legislature (unless that’s your jam, in which case, rock on!). Email or phone your legislators and share your thoughts. Every email and phone call is logged by staffers so even if your particular legislator doesn’t agree with you, your voice is counted.

You can help an LGBTQ+ organization financially. Make a donation to your local centers or find a national one to contribute to. Facebook makes it super easy to set up a fundraiser during your birthday month and you can choose whatever non-profit you want. I have mine going right now raising funds for the Transgender Resource Center of New Mexico. Even if you don’t have cash to spare, think about donating clothes, blankets, toiletries, etc. Most organizations have wish lists.

Join a support group in your community. Many employers even have support groups already set up. My hubby joined the Sandia National Laboratories Parents of Nonbinary and Trans Kids Peer Support Group and attends the monthly zoom meetings. He says that he gets a lot out of them. Not a group available in your area? Start one. Contact parents of your kids’ friends and meet for coffee to discuss issues. The organization GLSEN can help. 

Read. Every week new Rainbow kids’ books are published. Check them out of the library. Not in your local library? Request them through interlibrary loan or ask your library to purchase them. If your kids’ schools are amenable, try getting them purchased for the school library. You could even donate some if you’re financially able. Need help finding books? Try mutuallyinclusivebooks.com. The incredible Devyn Douvier publishes a weekly new picture book release blog that includes several LGBTQ+ books. Mombian also has a great database of LGBTQ+ family books.

These are just a few of the ways to get engaged. There are so many more. We don’t each have to do everything and we don’t each have to be perfect (you’ll notice this blog is being published after the 15th). We just have to begin. So, I challenge you, my followers, to make a SMART, not-a-resolution, goal and get in the game. Together, we can have a huge impact on 2023.